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Ladies Lounge

IMDbLady sits in front of a mirror in the lounge of a stuffy restaurant, contemplating her reflection. She is joined by the lounge attendant, who offers her the lounge amenities —none of which will fix what's really wrong: her boyfriend has brought a small box to dinner, but it doesn't hold an engagement ring. Lady hears a noise coming from the restroom and finds her doppelganger, ecstatic over the world's biggest engagement ring.

While her boyfriend waits impatiently, Lady contends with more versions of herself--a harried mother with a newborn, and finally, a bloodthirsty femme fatale. Ladies Lounge is a film about the roles women are offered, and how how they must sometimes take their power back by any means necessary.

Starring Mara Kassin, Lynn Cohen, Greg Keller, Brendan Titley & Ronald Cohen

Festivals: Chautauqua Internation Film Festival, Hang On to Your Shorts Film Festival, Short to the Point International Film Festival (2019)


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